OUR COURSES for Primary and Secondary Schools
Sustainability, Engineering and Boatbuilding Themed Activity Days
Learn about these three key industries whilst being creative and competitive
OUR COURSES for Primary and Secondary Schools
Sustainability, Engineering and Boatbuilding Themed Activity Days
Learn about these three key industries whilst being creative and competitive
OUR COURSES for Primary and Secondary Schools
Sustainability, Engineering and Boatbuilding Themed Activity Days
Learn about these three key industries whilst being creative and competitive
Basic Course Content:
These activity days will cover:
- Learners will understand what Sustainability is and how it impacts them and their future
- The 3 pillars of Sustainability and how these pillars hold up the society we live in
- Energy sources, renewable energy and human impacts
- Learners will gain techniques to become more sustainable at home and in school
- Creative tasks to complete with team work skills vital
- Learners will understand what Engineering is
- Learners will work in small teams to re-design 5 common products on the market
- Learn about structures such as buildings and bridges
- Work in small teams to build the tallest building they can do - that stands up by itself
- Innovation, team work and creativity is key for these tasks
- Learners will understand what Boatbuidling is
- Learners will understand about different vessels and their purposes
- Learn about Marine Propulsion systems
- Learn about Careers in the Marine Industry
- Learners will design and build their own boat in small teams using the resources provided by the Tutor
Booking this course
Each of our courses last 1 day and will be delivered face-to-face
For young people aged 9 - 18
If you would like to book a session for your school, our training courses are best booked in groups of 6 – 12 young people per session. For further information please get in touch by emailing us or calling 01326 211382.