Information, Advice and Guidance Service
Are you a Secondary School or Academy passionate about supporting your pupils’ careers development? Are you struggling to fulfil Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance with your pupils? If so, then yes we can help.
Information, Advice and Guidance Service
Are you a Secondary School or Academy passionate about supporting your pupils’ careers development? Are you struggling to fulfil Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance with your pupils? If so, then yes we can help.
Information, Advice and Guidance Service
Are you a Secondary School or Academy passionate about supporting your pupils’ careers development? Are you struggling to fulfil Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance with your pupils? If so, then yes we can help.
SERVICE Content:
This service will cover:
CMA offers impartial careers guidance sessions with a Level 6 qualified Advisor and since 2008, has provided careers development opportunities to more than 35,000 young people across Cornwall.
With the initial aim of raising awareness of the wide range of career opportunities in the Marine sector, the CMA now works across many other key sectors including; -
Sustainability and Green Skills
Early Years Education
Health and Social Care
Digital and Computer Skills
And more...
CMA has an excellent track record of delivering industry-led programmes. including careers advice, taster sessions, employability skills, work placements, industry recognised vocational qualifications, 1:1 mentoring and group-work and training embedded into the school curriculum.
We regularly review and develop our careers service and delivery through self-evaluation and in response to pupil and teacher feedback. CMA has a Compass account.
Our Offer:
We want to raise the aspirations of Cornwall's future workforce. Support is available from our team of experts to help young people in Years 7-13 learn about the different career pathways, develop employability skills and progress onto further education, an Apprenticeship or a job.
Each pupil we work with will benefit from a 1:1 discussion with our experienced and highly professional Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor. Careers sessions will all offer high quality, impartial and tailored careers Information, Advice and Guidance as well as access to Job Market Information.
Our aim is to support your pupils with the information and tools to navigate their way towards their desired career.
Benefits of Careers Guidance Sessions:
- Our support is currently available to young people (Years 7-13) and support their employability and progression onto further education, an Apprenticeship or a job (not exclusive to just the Marine sector).
- Providing your pupils with personal careers guidance sessions will benefit them in numerous ways, including;
- Improved personal effectiveness - self-awareness and self-esteem
- Career readiness - career planning and decision making
- Educational outcomes - improved attendance and attainment
Booking this SERVICE
Each of our 1:1 meetings can last 45 minutes and can be delivered online or face-to-face
For young people between Years 7-13
For those students who are in Years 7-13, we are able to provide this service on a 1:1 basis or as part of a small group.
For further information please get in touch by emailing us or calling 01326 211382.